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Meet the Team: Getting to Know Phoebe

Question: What is your name? Do you have a nickname?

Answer: Phoebe En-Tsyr Chi, but some people call me “Puppydoc.”

Question: What is your role here at Legacy Heart Care?

Answer: I help maintain this website/blog and develop health education materials.

Question: What is the best thing about working at Legacy Heart Care?

Answer: The people! They never fail to bring a smile to my face--both those who work here and those who come here for EECP treatment. I have never encountered such a wonderful community, and I'm happy to be a part of it!

Question: Where is your hometown?

Answer: Arlington, TX

Question: What do you do for fun?

Answer: I like to write poetry and hug my 17 lb furball-of-a-feline named Samantha.

Question: If someone were to write your life story, what would they say?

Answer: Well, when I was little, I used to be partial to fairy tales; therefore, it might go something like this:

"Once upon a time in a land far away (ie., Taiwan), there existed a smallish girl named Phoebe...

…who, in the 1980’s, was born into a family complete with a mom, a dad, and a pet gibbon.

From an early age, Phoebe adored animals. Therefore, when she grew up and went to college, she decided to become a purple kangaroo for the children at the local hospital.

Phoebe soon discovered something: she loved to help people. Eventually, this realization led her around the world, for extended periods of time, to do volunteer work. Of all the places, Phoebe worked in Africa the longest…namely, in the land of West Africa and Madagascar. On the island of Madagascar, Phoebe was known for befriending a lonely stray lemur named Buddy...with whom she would share her cactus fruit every morning.

There, she lived in a small village with a sweet family of 20 vibrant sisters…all of whom liked to dance...a lot.

On the other side of the continent, in the country of Ghana, Phoebe also lived with a lovely family - but in lieu of a lemur, she had a goat instead (who, tragically, eventually got eaten…).

Afterwards, Phoebe returned to the U.S. and became a doctor, because more than anything…she wanted to help people.

During her journey through the world of medicine, her colleagues (and even some of her patients) started calling her ‘Puppydoc,’ primarily--they explained--due to her “caring, affectionate, and loyal nature.”

Eventually, Phoebe's path brought her back to Texas, where fate led her in June of 2017 to a place in Fort Worth called Legacy Heart Care--a lovely place with even lovelier people.

And here...she feels lucky to be a part of such a wonderful community."

The End.

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